Why see a health coach when there are so many qualified health practitioners and time and money is limited?
This is such a good question and the answer isn’t always obvious. I found it hard to answer myself and had a client help articulate it for me!
As a health coach, scientist and mum, I want to know about your concerns holistically i.e. as a whole person, what underlying triggers are disrupting your wellbeing? i.e. what’s the root cause or creating the disconnect or the discontent? I do this by developing a relationship with you, listening and understanding ALL aspects of your life, especially as mothers. With so many factors impacting our health – our introduction to life as babies, stress levels, sleep deprivation, lifestyle, toxins, microbiome, environment, connection, movement, inadequate nutrition, I get a thorough picture of your life before offering guidance or recommendations that will ultimately empower you in the choices you make. I help you bring wellness back into your home and create a place where the foundations for great health are created. Something as women, mothers, nurturers we innately understand but often become disconnected from.
We need to take this time initially to REALLY learn what’s going on.
My intention, and promise, is to create lifestyle choices that surpass the need for medication and excess supplementation. I promote lifestyle medicine which is about prevention – using real food and lifestyle choices to support the bodies natural healing mechanisms. My approach pays high regard to the wisdom of our ancestors while incorporating current research that is shaped by the needs of our modern lives. It is NOT a quick fix, we need to learn what our bodies need and a quick fix, bypasses this important learning. I believe our health is a life long journey. And this is what I offer through my programs.
In cutting out expensive doctors and specialist appointments and medications, while not having to rely on Dr google and heresy, and in becoming more productive in our life my clients make an investment in their future, their families future and save both money and time. At the same time they quickly gain incredible knowledge that can confidently be passed on from one generation to the next, and one kitchen to the next, just as our ancestors did.
This is my motivation and I feel incredibly lucky to do what I do and to work with incredible women. Including the 2 beautiful and super talented women and mamas who helped create this pic. Check out their work, they are awesome. Thank you Lisa Quinn-Schofield at Featherhorse Studio and photographer, Jody D’Arcy.
and if you’d like to learn more about my coaching, please contact me for an initial complimentary consult or visit my website to schedule a time for us. http://kateb.wpengine.com/