Quick And Delicious
Fermented Buckwheat & Cinnamon Pancakes (gluten & dairy free)
March 27, 2014

Being gluten free pancakes are definitely something we use to miss.  It’s our favourite thing to have, especially on a rainy, sunday morning.   We love this recipe, super quick, delicious and with the added culture (kefir or kombucha) highly nutritious.  Thank you to the gorgeous girls at Nourish-ed for the inspiration. (And being the cook, these beauties leave the pan clean i.e.  the mix doesn’t stick like many gluten free recipes we’ve tried)!

Preparation:  5 minutes & soaked overnight

Cooking:  approx. 15 minutes

Fermented Buckwheat & Cinnamon Pancakes (gluten & dairy free)

  • 1 cup buckwheat flour (if you have a thermomix mill 1 cup of hulled buckwheat on speed 9 for about 30 seconds)
  • 2 tbs of kombucha / kefir (water, coconut or milk varieties)
  • 1-2 tspns of cinnamon powder (to taste)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • 1 organic egg


  1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together the night before. add a little less or more water to achieve your desired pancake batter consistency.
  2. Cover with a tea towel or plate and leave at room temperature over night.
  3. In the morning heat a heavy bottomed fry pan. Add a dessert spoon of coconut oil or ghee. Spoon batter into pan to create desired sized pancakes (or pikelets)
  4. For thicker pancakes, add 1/2 tspn baking powder in the morning before cooking.
  5. Serve with warmed organic berries and coconut yoghurt / kefir, bananas fried in ghee. Or for savoury ones serve with avocado and fermented veggies +/- grass fed bacon.
  6. Enjoy!


Leftovers were packed off in school lunch boxes for morning tea.  (Love that)!  Or, save them for later that day, or the following day.

This recipe comes from Nourish-ed, thank you.

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