What if?...
May 17, 2020 | by wp-katebarnes | 0 comments
Some of you reading this probably won't agree. I understand and if you feel compelled to unsubscribe I respect your decision but what I'm learning concerns me deeply, particularly for our well-being and our very humanity. At the same time I have great hope in humanity and for a world more beautiful than we can possibly imagine.
Even if there's an inch of truth in the dystopian, global domination, new order that's well documented and quickly coming to life... that's not the future I hope for or what humanity requires for our ongoing evolution. In 6 months time or sooner, you may wish you'd had an alternative perspective.
I invite you to keep reading with an open mind and an open heart.
Why question Covid?
As Dr Lissa Rankin says, 'rigorous science requires us to be curious and ask good questions. To put blind faith in the advice of 'experts' is fundamentalism, not science... '
However, we are seeing that those publicly questioning the mainstream narrative, are being attacked, demonised or censored (on all global media platforms).
My intention in this article is to be willing to question the dominant narrative respectfully, while sharing some 'good science based on good questions'.
Much of what I'm sharing can no longer be found on mainstream media sources, it's being censored or pulled down from google, social media channels as quickly as it's being shared and as far as possible, re-shared on independent platforms (shared further on).
So to hear or read sources that question the narrative, and without discrediting, is now almost impossible.
Which begs the question, Why...?
How the media manipulates the narrative.
Our primary source of information in regard to Covid comes from mainstream media.
Can it be trusted?
What if the global media are controlled by a small minority that have their own commercial interests or agenda in play - not humanity at large? What if the story the media is sharing is inflated, geared for fear or wrong? What if the media's role is to inflame fear and keep us in a state of mind that doesn't question the narrative?
What if...
In this eye opening 10 minute TED talk by Sharyl Attkisson, a former correspondent for CBS News for twenty years and in 2013, received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism.
Sharyl shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages, (especially in regard to health).
As Sharyl Attkisson concludes, 'become a wiser consumer in an increasingly artifical paid for reality'.
And this...
'The most powerful weapon of all time is not a gun or bomb, it is the control of information. To control the world's information is to manipulate all the minds that consume it'

Even though the above image is for the USA, most of the world is following their lead and the WHO in response to the pandemic.
IF the narrative is manipulated or censored... Why?
What IF it's because the narrative being hidden derails our long held belief in 'the systems' we have trusted our entire lives to protect us. That it's actually a narrative of immense conflict of interest supporting the astronomical wealth and incredible power of a psychopathic minority with no interest in what's best for the planet or humanity.
That if we learnt it, there would be an uprising that would have us 'shun' the lies and the power structures we've been conditioned to believe.
A shocking, unbelievable and an incredibly hard 'pill' (narrative) to swallow. But... What If?
What if there is another agenda?
Anthony Fauci and his team, along with the WHO, is directing the global pandemic response.
In 2017 Dr Anthony Fauci, publicly said, 'That there is no question ... there will be a surprise outbreak' in the next Presidents administration... (1.14 min video) here
In October 2019, 'Event 201' was held. Event 201 was a high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response, in New York, USA, on Friday 18 October, 08.45 - 12.30 EDT. Hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All of these were institutions Bill Gates owns, funds or works with closely, and 'gifts' millions and at times billions of dollars to.
There is a patent for the coronavirus owned by The Pirbright Institute, a biological research organization based in Surrey, England. The institute is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation source here.
The Gates foundation has an agenda based on delivering vaccines and medicines, rather than building resilient health bodily systems.
His global health model is;
- extremely profitable to those in the business,
- creates dependency,
- has potentially greater side effects,
- creates dis-ease and with this a loss of individual health freedom.
It's little wonder Bill Gates doesn't speak to nutrition - it's unprofitable and enables health freedom (as opposed to control)...
The fact is immunity improves within days, covid-19 cases treated with nutrient therapy e.g. zinc, vitamin c, oxygen or the drug hydroxy-chloroquine that's been used for over 70 years, have an almost 100% success rate. Yet we aren't hearing this in the mainstream, it's not reported or supported. Despite it bringing some much needed good news and less fear into our lives.
Or let alone the tried and tested biological function of herd immunity which has worked for millennia against disease. Then again, it costs barely nothing.
A deep conflict of interest.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation directly funds heavily, almost every global health policy making institution in the world (image below) - including the development of every vaccine for Covid-19. The foundation is committed to finding a vaccine before we can return to 'normal'.
So with one extremely powerful person funding the entire global health policy is there scientific rigour? or is it even possible? Why is THIS unquestioned in the mainstream?
Bill Gates appears to be involved in every aspect of the pandemic - can his global agenda to vaccinate every person in the world plus newborns, which he intends to be mandatory, that comes with a nano/micro chip to monitor our every move - be trusted? (A similar 'chip' is already in development at MIT, funded by the Gates Foundation).
Bill Gates has said, “Short of a miracle treatment,” the only way for people to return to some sense of normal is through a vaccine'. This is the narrative the globe is dutifully following.
Even though many esteemed scientists, politicians and doctors contradicting the statistics, the modelling, the agenda and the response;
Dr Annie Bukacek, 'Covid 19 death certificates manipulated'. (17 mins)
Dr Ericsson Covid-19 Briefing. (50 mins)
Italian Parliament. Deep state, Bill Gates, Agenda 21 (6:52 mins).
(Turn on sub titles / translation inside the video settings - 'wheel' logo).
Germany. Forensic Dr, 'Noboby died of Covid without previous illness' (5 mins)
Paris. Nobel Prize Winning Scientist. 'Coronavirus leaked from a lab'. (2 mins)
Immunologist, Dr Judy Milkovic interview (25 mins), Plandemic.
'De-bunking' the narrative, Dr Dolores Cahill interview (1 hour) or watch here.
Note: If you google these doctors their credentials will be discredited and may already be removed by the time you go to watch.

What if it's not about saving the world?
Bill Gates has also said, "The world has 6.8 billion people and that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 - 15 percent'!
What? How do vaccines, health care & reproductive services LOWER population? No thanks.
Perhaps he's alluding to the statistic, that as of October 2019, $4.2 Billion has been awarded to claimants in the United States National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
The program was set up in 1986 i.e. approx. $127M / year) in payouts! And pharmaceutical companies have no liability when it comes to vaccine injury, which means if the vaccine is unsafe or harms, there is no liability?! A vaccine for Covid-19 will fall under the same legislation.
(fyi I'm not anti-vaxx - I've had vaccines, they have a very real part to play when they are safe, especially in our children).
Bill Gates, a software developer and global health philanthropist, dictating global health policy (... monopoly) yet has no education in immunology or virology, a very DEEP conflict of interest and an agenda to dramatically lower global population. For one person or conglomerate to have total control and 'dictatorship' over our health seems very wrong and to be honest, damn right frightening and ... well, why is it not illegal?!
The question is, can Bill Gates be trusted with our personal well-being and that of our families?
I don't think so.
Esteemed Doctors and Scientists have cheaper, effective, quicker and less damaging to the economy response plans e.g. within a week as Dr Dolores Cahill outlined. And potentially we can be a lot healthier, while creating natural immunity and stronger, more resilient bodies against the next virus or pathogen the following year.
Or do we continue waiting for a safe vaccine (potentially years), remaining in isolation with social distancing, living in constant fear of viruses, (and necessary for a healthy state of being) as the dominant narrative?
The loss of life across the globe has been devastating, there is no question, and particularly the virulent nature of the virus and it's attack on the elderly, yet across the population, are the draconian measures implemented globally the real answer to protecting humanity?
Is the cure (& proposed cure) worse than the virus itself?
Is it time to start following the money rather than following orders?
Is it the perfect time to be taking true responsibility for our health?
I think THAT's worth questioning.
Be curious. There is nobody who cares more about your and your families health more than you.